Master - Curriculum Planning

MA students must complete at least 32 credits, including 8foundation disciplines, 10 specialist subjects, the 2-credit discipline, titled as "Statistics and Computer Educational Application," is compulsory if never taken before. Nevertheless, students fairly have freedom to choose subjects within the three courses. Students are also entitled to take courses up to 8 credits outside this Institute as long as it can best fit students' needs. After the completion of the course-work requirement, students should involve the completion of a substantial piece of satisfactory thesis and pass the open oral defense before their graduation.

Before graduation to attend at least four games off-campus symposium, seminars shall submit a book review (at least A4 page) and send mentor or advisor reviewed; the seminar experience required at the end of the meeting within one month, within the time limit does not I are taken into account.

Future map:We aim to cultivate excellent professionals with educational research and administration skills, with school administration and management capacities, and with course development as well as education reform abilities, particularly for school teachers.